Thursday, 5 June 2008

IMF registrations set to open mid July...

In the best interest of the International Millinery Forum the IMF committee has been wound up, with the event now operating under the management of Linda Tillman. Linda will source advisory support from the local millinery community in order to provide a high quality event that remains at the cutting edge of millinery education in Oz.
Following this decision Linda has been busily liasing with tutors, securing venues and finalising the extremely exciting program and is now happy to announce that the ground work is complete and the program is 90% complete, with registrations set to open in six weeks time.
If you are not yet on the IMF database I encourage you to do so as this is your only gaurantee of receivng a copy of the program and being one of the first to register for your desired workshops. In order to make it fair for everyone the registration process will be as follows...
> In the coming weeks you will receive a reminder postcard - if you do not receive one of these directly via post then you can be assured that you are NOT yet on the database.
> In mid July the brochure will be printed and posted to everyone on the database - this signals the offical opening of registrations
> One week after the brochures are printed the information will go live on the IMF website allowing for on line registration
> All registrations will go on a first in first served basis
There are limited places at the 2009 forum; I therefore recommend that you join the database now to ensure you do not miss out.
Without giving anything away I can tell you that this forum is going to be one not to be missed ~ new exciting venues, fresh tutors, international guest and plenty of fun.
I look forward to seeing you at the 2009 forum...