Sunday, 28 August 2011

Meet the Tutors #3 and #4

Introducing…Eugenie van Oirschot
Eugenie is travelling all the way from The Netherlands to participate in the 2012 International Millinery Forum! 

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Change to Jane Stoddart Workshops

Changes have been made to Jane Stoddart's workshops for the forum for 2012. The changes are:

Stiffened Lace Hats

Skill Level: Intermediate/Advanced (6 hours)

Revisit the stiffened guipure or venise lace hats of the 50’s and 60’s in a contemporary mood! We’ll block and stiffen heavy guipure lace on hat blocks and improvised moulds. This technique lends itself to wonderful cocktails, trims, masks and full hats.

Vintage Inspired Feather Birds

Skill Level: Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced (3 hours)

Milliners and couturiers of the past have loved to use feather bird trims, created by carefully piecing together a variety of cut feathers, beads and wire. These vintage trims are increasingly rare and fragile, so we’ll make our own contemporary styles!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Meet the Tutors - #1 and #2

Now that our amazing tutor line-up has been revealed (if you’re wondering what we’re talking about, check out the line-up here…and subscribe to this blog!) we are going to start letting you know about each tutor in more detail.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Tutor and Workshop Line-up Announced!

Registrations for the 2012 International Millinery Forum open on 1 September (mark the date on your calendars now!) so we thought it might be a good time to reveal the much anticipated tutor line-up and workshop program.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Postcard has been distributed

Things are coming along nicely for the 2012 forum. The postcards have finally been sent out (so watch your inboxes/postboxes for their arrival).
The full brochure is currently in editing which will be released shortly.

Our website for registrations will go live on September 1 which will be a fantastic addition to the booking process.

We have locked in all tutors and their workshops are as brilliant and exciting as ever. Watch this space in the coming weeks for sneak peaks of the tutors and their workshops you will be attending!!!

Thursday, 4 August 2011